今天上modernbill发现已经改名为 Parallels Plesk Billing,具体什么时候改的不太清楚,网站也进行了改版,大部分页面都链接到了Parallels的网站。
08年1月份的时候,Parallels收购了ModernGigabyte, LLC,也就是ModernBill software的公司。目前Parallels已经拥有了包括Plesk在内的多个主机控制面板和modernbill财务系统。
- Parallels acquired ModernGigabyte, LLC on January 11, 2008.
- ModernGigabyte is the maker of ModernBill software and other automation solutions for the hosting provider market.
- Parallels will maintain existing ModernGigabyte development, support, and maintenance channels.
- ModernGigabyte products, including ModernBill, ModernAuthorize, SSL Factory, ModernDNS, and FraudGuardian will remain intact and supported.
- Employees of ModernGigabyte become employees of Parallels.