
海外服务器 (885) 2007-07-01 00:00:00
Bluehost now supports FastCGI!!

Great - What is it??

Without getting too technical FastCGI is an option in the control panel that you turn on that will
allow PHP scripts on our servers to stay in memory and avoid running the PHP interpreter each
time a PHP script is run. This greatly reduces server load! Currently enabling FastCGI for your
Bluehost account is OPTIONAL. It is NOT enabled by default. You can choose to enable FastCGI
by logging into your Cpanel and clicking on the new link titled "FastCGI Acceleration". We have
tested FastCGI extensively for several months and have many of our own custom enhancements
to make it better in our environment than any other shared host in my opinion! Please take a
moment to enable it on your account. The more users enable it, the faster our shared servers
will go! (Thanks to Rob Brown for all his custom work to make the FastCGI Bluehost version
10X better than everyone elses!!)

On August 1st, 2007 we will change FastCGI so that it is enabled by default for all users. At that
time if there are individual users that have a specific reason to have FastCGI disabled they can
disable it at that time.

Our knowledge base article on FastCGI can be located here as well -

Our Knowledge Base Article

FastCGI is only the first step in a series of speed improvements that are coming. Thanks for staying
with us, and for telling your friends about us!

For answers to your hosting questions please visit our customer run forum located at -

For the personal side of Bluehost you can also visit my blog directly at -

Matt Heaton / President


