Exim Configuration Editor(Exim配置编辑器)

手册/FAQ (679) 2009-03-09 11:35:53

Exim是一个在剑桥大学开发的用于连接到互联网的Unix系统 的消息传输代理(MTA,Message Transfer Agent)。根据GNU General Public License的规定 ,它是免费提供的。在形式上它类似于Smail 3,但是它的功能更为通用。邮件发送的方式有极大的灵活性, 而且有很多功能可以用于审核接收的邮件。Exim可以代替sendmail安装,尽管exim的配置与sendmail的配置有很大不同。

你可以通过“Exim Configuration Editor”页面来修改邮件服务器的设置,用Access Control Lists来抵制垃圾邮件及其他行为。修改这些设置是通过一个你可以直接编辑conf文件的基本编辑器或高级编辑器模式来完成的。

Basic Editor Mode & Standard Options(基本编辑器模式 & 标准选项)



· Reject mail at SMTP time if the spam score from spamassassin is greater than 20.0


· Ratelimit incoming SMTP connections that violate RFCs (this is usually spammers and broken MTA)


· Reject mail at SMTP time if the sender host is in the bl.spamcop.net RBL


· Reject mail at SMTP time if the sender host is in the zen.spamhaus.org RBL


· Reject mail at SMTP time if the sender host is in the zen.spamhaus.org, or bl.spamcop.net RBL


· Maximum size in kilobytes of a message that will be scanned by SpamAssassin™


· A comma or colon separated list of IP addresses that should not be RBL checked (whitelist)



· Reject messages with potentially dangerous attachments


· Reject mail with a failure message if the spam score from SpamAssassin™ is greater than 20.0


· Rewrite messages SpamAssassin marks as spam with ***SPAM*** at the beginning of the subject line


· Text to add to the subject header for messages SpamAssassin™ marks as spam



· Use callouts to verify the existence of e-mail senders. Basically, Exim will connect to the mail exchanger for a given address to make sure it exists before accepting mail from it


· Turn on SpamAssassin™ for all accounts (Global ON)


· Instead of showing the reason why sending a mail to a recipient would fail, show "The recipient cannot be verified. Please check all recipients of this message to verify they are valid."


· Reject e-mail at SMTP time for users who have exceeded their quota rather than keeping it in the queue. This is probably a good idea, but it does mean people will lose mail so it's not on by default


· Verify the existence of e-mail senders


· Always set the Sender: header when the sender is changed from the actual sender. Uncheck this to stop "On behalf of" data in Microsoft® Outlook. This may limit your ability to track abuse of the mail system


· System filter file (leave blank to disable)

——将这一选项留空会关闭Exim过滤系统的功能。你可以修改路径如果你不希望到达它的默认路径是/etc/cpanel_exim_system_filter。点击Revert to Default按钮恢复路径的默认设置。

· Use the old transport based SpamAssassin™ system instead of the new ACL style one.(not recommended, slow)

——启用这一设置将使用基于old transport的SpamAssassin™来取代在WHM-版本11中介绍的新ACL。

完成设置的编辑后,点击Standard Options底部的Save按钮。

Visualize ACLs

点击Visualize ACLs按钮将打开一个弹出窗口,用一个流程图直观地显示了Access Control List。

Advanced Editor Mode & The Exim.conf File(高级编辑器模式 & Exim.conf文件)

点击Advanced Editor按钮可以转换到高级配置编辑器模式。点击Advanced Editor按钮后你会看到一个页面,显示了整个conf文件。但你并没有文件所有内容的编辑权限,因为你对设置所做的修改可能会导致服务器不能正常运行。不过你可以在配置文件的文本框内输入文本内容。



"Your configuration changes have been saved!"(“你所做的配置修改已保存!”)

Reset Configuration(重设配置)

点击页面底部的Reset ACL Config to Defaults按钮将Exim configuration's ACL恢复到安装时的默认设置。你也可以点击Reset All Configs to Defaults按钮将Exim配置全部恢复到安装时的默认设置。